Civil Society Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality in Uganda
Reaction to the Financial Year 2013/14 Budget Speech
For more information contact: Samuel Senfuka,
White Ribbon Alliance Uganda: 0704920043
Dennis Odwe, AGHA Uganda:, 0772637740
(Kampala) In reaction to the release of the Budget
Speech 2013/14 today 13 June, 2013, a coalition of
health advocacy organizations released the following statement: “The 2013/14 Budget does not prioritize the most
important issues facing Ugandans—it
contains massive budget increases for State House and for Defense while health
investments that literally mean the difference between life and death for
millions of Ugandans have been starved for funding.
‘The economic growth described by President
Museveni’s in his June 8 State of the Nation Address is virtually meaningless
when communities cannot reliably obtain essential health care in facilities
that have the staff, medicines, and equipment needed to save lives,’ said
Nakibuuka Musisi of CEHURD.
Furthermore, Government is proposing new regressive
taxes in a misguided attempt to fill a revenue gap triggered by aid suspension
in the wake of massive theft of donor funding. This policy decision by
government will further punish ordinary Ugandans—the victims of theft of public funds—while corrupt officials walk free. ‘Government’s proposed 18%
VAT on water is actually a typhoid tax,’ continued Musisi. ‘Corruption already
makes us sick—why does government
want to punish us further?’
We call on Parliament to stand by their
constituents and insist that this Budget is not passed unless and until the
following changes are reflected in the 2013/14 Appropriations Bill:
1. Wages for priority health worker cadres
must be increased across the health sector, in particular at HC IVs and HCIIIs,
in particular midwives, anesthetists, and laboratory technicians. At minimum
this will require an investment of Ushs 77.9 billion. Without this investment,
the successful recruitment of thousands of new health workers will be in vain—they will be not be motivated to work and
will move on to other jobs. Non-financial motivation (staff housing, etc.) for
health workers must also be expanded.
2. Dramatically increase the investment in
priority medicines, including ARVs and ACTs, recognizing the large unmet need
for HIV treatment and anti malaria treatment (including in particular
prevention during pregnancy, which will contribute to a reduction in maternal
mortality). Government funding for HIV treatment must be scaled up, given the
new HIV treatment coverage gap that will be created in 2013 as a result new WHO
treatment guidelines, and in order to leverage the fact that Uganda can
massively reduce HIV incidence through earlier access to HIV treatment—while saving lives: evidence shows that
Providing treatment for all in need in Uganda would
help decrease new HIV infections by 60% and more than 100,000 deaths could be
averted over just 4 years.
3. Absorb the costs of an expiring donor
grant for paediatric HIV treatment and Early Infant Diagnosis. The total cost
for paediatric ARVs and for diagnostics for this grant is Ushs 10.8 billion.
4. Absorb costs required to continue the
donor funded, expiring program on Integrated Community Case
Management for malaria.
5. Ensure recruitment of sufficient numbers
of staff at General Hospitals and Regional Referral Hospitals
(through second wave of recruitment in remainder of
FY 2012-13 and/or through budget for
FY 2013-14).
6. Reflect the President’s London Summit
Family Planning commitment with increase in additional expenditure for
reproductive health commodities by 5 billion shillings each year for 5 years.

‘Uganda cannot be strong economically without tackling these preventable health crises,’ said Samuel Senfuka of White Ribbon Alliance Uganda. ‘Our development suffers when Ugandans cannot gain access to essential health services.’
‘We are well aware that diarrhea diseases are the
second leading cause of under five mortality, and an 18% VAT on water is self defeating in
achievement of our health goals. Moreover we know that access to safe water is
key in the fight against HIV and retention of children in schools,’ said Hellen
Kasujja of CIDI. ‘Such a regressive tax will have grave implications,
especially on women who are at the epicenter of our economy.’
Wages for priority health worker cadres must be increased across the health sector, in particular at HC IVs and HCIIIs, in particular midwives, anesthetists, and laboratory technicians